Saturday 3 October 2015

- Completed Fluid Mosaic Model Layout
- What can be achieved:
-- Colouring of the Phospholipids.
-- Animation of the scene.
-- Further improvement of the models

- Added the Glypolipid model onto the scene
- Created the Glycolipid
- Added basic colouring to separate the Glycoprotein(s) & Glycolipid(s)

- Glycoprotein model (base) created.
- Will either create the glycolipid from this base or a seperate model!
- The faces of this model can be reduced greatly.
- Added simple colour in order to create differentiation between each model. (Hard to differentiate grey from grey!)
- Added extra layers.
- Glycoproteins; Glycolipids to have the model(s) made and utilized in the scene.

- Cholesterol Models added to the Scene.
- Second layer completed and brought to sandwich the cholesterol between layer one and two.
- Layer "3" has begun.

- Created cholesterol model

- Incorporation of the channel protein into the Fluid Mosaic Model
- The model is poorly fitting/made but will suffice due to time constraints.

- Attempted tester-channel protein model ( one side )

Friday 2 October 2015

- Created one "Peripheral" Protein model
- Placed peripheral protein in layer 1
- Started separate layer

- Completed the Phosopholipids within the bilayer.
- To do:
Refine Intrinsic & Extrinsic protein models
Add Cholesterol model(s) (Behind layer 1.)
Add layers.

- Incorporation of the new models in place of the spheres. 
- Extended the basic front-layout

- Created basic "Phospholipid" to be put in place of the spheres.
- Created basic outline for the Fluid Mosaic Model.